Studying at Summer University

Studying at Summer University

Useful information about the courses as well as the completion of studies and practical matters.

For distance learning courses, you will need a computer or mobile device with a network connection, speakers and microphone (the device’s own are usually sufficient). However, we recommend that you use separate headphones (e.g. the ones you use on your phone) to avoid background noise.

You will receive more detailed instructions on the platforms and applications used in course before the course begins. Distance learning lessons can be held with Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Whereby, etc. These also work in browser, i.e. it is not necessary to install any applications on your device. However, with the application the connections usually work more securely.

During lessons it is recommended to keep the camera on whenever possible for interactivity. However, if using the camera slows down the connection too much, you can keep it off when you are not talking. It is also a good idea to keep the microphone off except when speaking, so that the lessons are not disturbed by extra noice.

Many courses also use the online learning platform Moodle, for which you will receive separate instructions latest at the beginning of the course. Moodle acts as a storage for course materials and there can also be assignments and discussion area, or a course exam can be taken there.


No registration is required for the final exam.

Please register for literature and resit exams no later than 10 days prior the exam. If the registration deadline is on weekend, please register on the last weekday before the deadline.

If the course program includes a resit exam, the time is mentioned in the course description.

For some courses there is a possibility for a second resit exam. A fee of 65 € will be charged to cover the costs for composing and grading each additional exam. Please contact our customer service if it’s possible to take an additional exam for your course and to agree on arrangements.


You can return your exam paper no earlier than 30 minutes after the exam has started. After this, late students will not be allowed to take the exam.

Please note that you must show a valid ID when taking an exam. If you fail to show one, your exam may be discarded.


You can inquire about results and certificates from our customer service about 2 weeks after the end of the course. It can take more than 4 weeks for the results of university courses to arrive.

The certificate can be written for courses completed within 10 years of the request.

Certificate fees
– Certificates for the current and previous year are free of charge delivered by email, a paper certificate delivered by post costs 10 €/ certificate.
– Certificates of previously completed courses cost 10 € both delivered by email or in paper form delivered by post.

The delivery time of the certificate is about 2 weeks.

At present, certificates are primarily submitted by email.

You can order transcripts of university studies and comprehensive certificates from the partner university that organized the teaching. If you wish to include a course in your degree, check the validity with your own institute before enrolling.

Our Finnish language courses are intensive and include independent studying in addition to participating in lessons. All the courses progress at a rapid pace and require good studying skills.

The language of instruction for all courses is Finnish unless otherwise stated.

If textbooks are used in the course, students must purchase those themselves before the start of the course.


Each course has a starting level that student is estimated to need to succeed in the course. The entry levels are based on the proficiency scale of the Common European Framework developed by the Council of Europe, which describes language proficiency from basic to proficient on a scale of A1 to C2 (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

Entry levels describe general language skills as for example student’s oral and written skills may not be at the same level.

As our courses are open to everyone, it is the student’s own responsibility to assess their own entry level. You can assess your level e.g. by familiarizing yourself with the course material before registering.

Starting levels and textbooks for Intensive Finnish courses (Suomea intensiivisesti):

Course Starting level Textbook Chapters
Suomea Intensiivisesti 1 0 Suomen mestari 1 Chapters 1 – 5
Suomea Intensiivisesti 2 A1.1 Suomen mestari 1 Chapters 6 – 8
Suomea Intensiivisesti 3 A1.2 Suomen mestari 2 Chapters 1 – 4
Suomea Intensiivisesti 4 A1.3 Suomen mestari 2 Chapters 5 – 8
Suomea Intensiivisesti 5 A2.1 Suomen mestari 3 Chapters 1 – 4
Suomea Intensiivisesti 6 A2.2 Suomen mestari 3 Chapters 5 – 8
Suomea Intensiivisesti 7 B1.1 Suomen mestari 4 Chapters 1 – 4
Suomea Intensiivisesti 8 B1.1/B1.2 Suomen mestari 4 Chapters 5 – 8

Link to the course books.


There is an exam at the end of each intensive course. Approved completion and certification require passing the exam and regular attendance during classes.

Finnish language courses are scored in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) used in European universities. Completion of one credit requires 27 hours of work. We estimate the scope of the basic course to be 4 cr / 4 ECTS. The student must always ensure the substitutability of the course from their own institution.

Currently, the selection of Finnish language courses is available mainly in Finnish.


We organize annual public events open to everyone. The themes of the events vary every year from current social phenomena to various educational topics.

Admission to public events is usually free, but some require enrollment e.g. due to a museum or exhibition ticket. Please read the instructions from the description of each event!

The language of the public events is usually Finnish.